What does the end of the Renters (Reform) Bill mean for landlords?

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Following the announcement of  the General Election and subsequent dissolution of parliament, the Renters (Reform) Bill is no more. 

However, with renters reform high on the agenda of both the current government and main opposition parties, it’s likely we’ll see new rental reforms proposed in the near future. 

Coming up, we look at why the Renters (Reform) Bill didn’t pass, what a new reform bill may contain, and what landlords need to do now to ensure they’re always compliant. 

Why didn’t the Renters (Reform) Bill pass? 

The Bill was currently going through the House of Lords when the announcement for the General Election was made. 

The 12 amendments tabled by the Lords meant the government simply ran out of time in the ‘wash-up’ period. Ironically, the Lords were presenting these amendments as the Prime Minister made his announcement.

Will there be a new Renters (Reform) Bill?

Both Labour and the Conservatives recognise that reform is needed, and all agree that section 21 should be abolished. Indeed, the shadow Housing Minister, Angela Rayner, has said she would abolish section 21 of the 1988 Housing Act, so called no fault evictions, on day one of a Labour administration. 

However, any Bill will have to start again from the beginning. Many agree that the previous Renters (Reform) Bill was poorly drafted and created a lot of unintended consequences so hopefully these issues can be addressed for the benefit of tenants whilst supporting landlord’s interests. 

Make no mistake, reform is coming and we, as a member of one of the largest property groups in the country, will help to shape its policy.

What should landlords do now?

Landlords should educate themselves about the changes which will inevitably come. The penalties for even minor breaches will be significant so using a professional managing agent is critical. 

Hunters will keep you up to date with any new changes to legislation, provide state of the art tenancy agreements, expert advice and represent your interests at the highest level.

Want to learn more? Speak to your local office for more information.

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